Windsor residents will finally be given the top priority when it comes to enrolling into city run programs and activities.

At the September 18th, 2023 Windsor City Council meeting, Ward 4 City Councillor Mark McKenzie presented a Notice of Motion asking for Windsor residents to be given priority for applying to community programming run at city owned parks and facilities. The motion was passed by council and will now be implemented within the next few months, which will give Windsor residents a 72 hour window to apply for the programs.
“Windsor resident will get 72 hour prioritization booking, and then after that 72 hours, residents of surrounding municipalities are able to book what's left.”
Following the 72 hours, those living in municipalities outside of Windsor will be given the opportunity to apply if spots are still available. McKenzie says he wanted to implement this change as it is Windsor residents who subsidize the costs for the programs through municipally collected tax dollars.
McKenzie says after the 72 hours, those in other municipalities will have a chance to register. The Ward 4 Councillor stated that there will be measures in place to ensure it's going to Windsor residents. Unfortunately, it's too late to implement the change for the Fall 2023 registration period, however it should be implemented by January 2024. Windsor residents should notice a big difference when it comes to ice time, and swimming programs, as they are the two more popular programs in the city.
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